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Oat-based drinks and smoothie brand Three Robins has been named as a winner of Scotmid’s Scottish Favourites competition, which showcases local products from across the nation.

The win means Three Robins products are now being stocked in all of the convenience chain’s stores.

The range includes Barista Oat Mylk, Choccoriffic Oat Mylk, Totally Tropical Little Smoothie Pouches, and Super Berry Little Smoothie Pouches—each designed with busy families in mind. The products offer essential vitamins and are lower in sugar than many mainstream alternatives. Choccoriffic Oat Mylk has also won a Great Taste Award.

The brand was founded by Karen Robinson after one of her children was diagnosed with lactose intolerance, prompting Karen to seek out healthier, plant-based alternatives for her family. Struggling to find options that were both nutritious and child friendly, Karen decided to create her own – leaving behind a high-profile career in international development in the process.

Scotmid singled out the brand for its strong focus on nutrition and sustainability, values that have become the foundation of Three Robins. These values also reflect Scotmid’s ongoing commitment to supporting local businesses and offering customers high-quality, sustainable products.

“I’m thrilled to have Three Robins featured on Scotmid’s shelves,” said Karen. “To have our products recognised and supported by such a trusted retailer is incredibly exciting. It’s a dream come true to know that our healthy, family-friendly options will reach even more families across Scotland. This is a true testament to the success of our products and the journey I’ve undertaken.”

Steve Addison, local sourcing manager at Scotmid, commented: “Karen’s career transformation is an inspiring example of how passion and determination can lead to great success. Her products will resonate with consumers; we are proud to have Three Robins in our stores. It’s businesses like Three Robins that align perfectly with Scotmid’s mission to support local innovation and provide customers with healthy, family-friendly products.”