The Scottish Retail Food & Drink Awards

The Scottish Retail Food & Drink Awards are unique in Scotland, the perfect platform to recognise and showcase innovation and quality, with the primary goal of helping more Scottish producers get their products onto more retail shelves in Scotland.
The Awards encompass the entire Scottish food and drink sector and cover both producers and retailers of all shapes and sizes.
The Scottish Retail Food & Drink Awards exist to help producers gain listings in more retail stores and to expose retailers to great quality, exciting Scottish products.
The Scottish food and drink landscape
Contributing a whopping £14bn per year to Scotland’s economy, the Scottish food and drink sector is key to Scotland’s economic growth, employing over 115,000 people. As the world slowly emerges and adapts to its post-lockdown normal, new eating and shopping habits also surface as a result.
According to research by 56 Degree Insight, eating healthy food is now important to 90% of Scots, while buying Scottish and locally has boomed in the past couple of years.
Sustainability is an increasing concern for Scottish consumers, which is why the SRFDAs will once again strive to recognise products with strong sustainability credentials through our judging process. Research has shown that 56% of Scots seek products where food miles are reduced as far as possible, with 61% noting that clear display of sustainability information (e.g. no palm oil) on the product is important. What’s more, 66% will choose products which are plastic-free and recyclable.
Meanwhile, the boom in free-from products is set to continue throughout 2022, as retailers put increasing emphasis on allergens and consumers are expected to seek out more products that are meat or dairy-free.